Kamis, 04 September 2014

Know Your Paint Wood Type

Do you want Show the grain of the wood on the threshold, doors, cabinets and other furniture in your home? There are ways simple you can do is by using types wood paint transparencies.

Wood paint

Painting from wood of this type can Add to the beauty the framework in fiber from wood, doors and wooden furniture in your home. There are several types wood clear varnish which can be used include:

Camphor wood paint this type has been used since the first. Many of those who use this type paint wood also easily applied to both inside and outside. In addition, this type of paint is also resistant ultraviolet light (UV).

Acrylic, painting of wood of this type is commonly used to display results of colors clear and bright colors, this paint is stain-resistant.

Melamik, used to paint furniture such as furniture. More subtle and stain-resistant, but step -ray resistant UV.

Polyurethane, the results of the application this type of wood of bright paint, surface more flat, natural aspect of wood, resistant to stains, and not easy to break.

Nitro Cells, this painting which produces paint thin, seems natural, pas bright stain-resistant and impact.

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